July 17, 2019

Back To School Dental Tips

With the month of September approaching, your child may be very busy getting ready with school supplies and sports equipment for the new school year. With all this going around you should not forget getting their dentition checked and maintained because dental pain or disease can lead to difficulty in eating, speaking, playing and learning as well as millions of hours of missed school.

TYour child's back-to-school checklist should include:

Regular dental examination

Schedule your regular check up & cleaning appointment to get your teeth cleaned and checked for cavities or any other dental problem. Your dentist may suggest fluoride treatments or sealants to prevent decay and can diagnose and treat dental problems to save your child pain and lost school time.

Shopping for new dental tools

Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. head for the dental care aisle when you're out shopping for notebooks, binders and pencils. If parents buy several toothbrushes they could have their child change to a new one every three months or so, or after an illness. If it's hard to remember when to change a brush, you could try to change it every time report cards come out. Ask your dentist for a recommendation on how often to change toothbrushes.

Healthy eating habits

Include portable healthy lunch items and snacks in your child's sack lunch, including grains, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, yogurt or fruit. If your child eats in the school cafeteria, review healthy, balanced food choices with him before the first day of school. Cut back on sugary foods and soft drinks.

Sportguard protection

Don’t forget to let your dentist know about your sport activity. The dentist will make a properly fitted mouth guard to protect your teeth from damage while participating in organized sports, PE classes or playground activities.